Our Story

In 2018, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. As a new mom, I was excited and curious. And then I quickly learned that modern parenting is hard and exhausting—especially now when so many of us are void of a parenting village.

As a new mom, I found myself struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety. Negative self-talk took over my world and I wondered when I would find the joy of motherhood I had read about in all of the books and blogs. In search of healing, I leaned onto other mom-friends for insight and advice. I quickly discovered that I was not alone in my experience.

While finding my stride in motherhood, I started to write daily affirmations to myself. These affirmations helped me to refocus and transform the way I viewed motherhood. And, they helped me to prioritize my own well-being. I gave myself permission to feel all of my feelings and extended myself some grace. As a result, I felt more confident and motherhood felt a little less bumpy.

So in 2019, months into my second pregnancy, I combined my love of candle making and writing and gave birth to DEAR MAMA—a clean candle company designed to celebrate and honor every moment of motherhood. We encourage mothers to prioritize wellness and use wordplay to facilitate that process.

At DEAR MAMA, we believe in collective healing. We believe in being honest and transparent about our motherhood experiences. And we believe in cultivating our relationship to our emotional and psychological selves so we can face motherhood with tenderness and confidence.